I’m using this nice stretch of days to line up materials for spring installations. today, the stoneyard. though it’s so familiar after years of exploration, I always find myself rooting beneath the massive cottonwood trees that dot the property…especially along the ditch that cuts the site into halves. big trees act as traps for odds and ends that get enveloped by stock and forgotten. so in a way, the material emulates a tree which itself grows outward, the newest tissue encircling the old.
today I found a couple of treasures. one, an old palette of vintage masonry blocks stained dark by tannins in the decades of leaf fall. two, a box of stone shafts that i believe are cores left by the boring of large blocks. similarly stained. finally, two hollow ceramic floor tiles from the demolition of an old factory or station.
these will become garden ornaments. and when they do, I’ll write about it here.